Friday, January 28, 2011

Gaillardia comparison perennial trial results

Based on the PP&L comparison perennial trial results, gaillardia is a great genus with wide appeal.
Here are some of the best performing gaillardias in the PP&L trial.

Best overall series: The Gallo (Orange, Peach and Red) vegetative series from Florensis proved to be the most uniform series with a compact habit. The plants were low maintenance and required little to no pinching or growth regulators. Bred by Kieft, the Gallos are expected to be the benchmark series in the market.

Grower favorites: The Commotion vegetative series contain ‘Tizzy’ and ‘Frenzy’ from Skagit Gardens. Although these two varieties were not the most compact, they had the greatest number of flowers of any other variety. ‘Tizzy’ and ‘Frenzy’ flowered early and continued to look good over the entire month of the trial. Although not the most compact plants, the Commotions should have great appeal for both growers and home-garden consumers.

Mesa Yellow is the first F1 seed-produced gaillardia from PanAmerican Seed. It is one of the few seed varieties that can hold its own against vegetative varieties. Although not as compact as ‘Arizona Sun’, Mesa Yellow produces huge flowers on well branched plants. Hopefully PanAmerican can add more colors to this line.

PlantHaven’s ‘Oranges and Lemons’ is a vegetative variety bred in the United Kingdom. It was the tallest variety in the group. It is great for large containers and is a proven garden performer.

‘Arizona Sun’ and ‘Fanfare’, two of the oldest varieties in the trial, proved to be good performers. Comparing ‘Arizona Sun’ to some of the newer seed varieties, it was still one of the most uniform in flowering and overall habit. ‘Fanfare’ was more compact and better branched than most of the newer tubular varieties it was trialed with.

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