Thursday, December 29, 2011

Winter salting

Rock salt (sodium chloride) can harm your plants and rob the soil of nutrients. Ice-melt products made of potassium chloride, magnesium chloride or calcium chloride are slightly less harmful; they are less corrosive and they contain nutrients that plants can use.

    Don’t bother applying ice melt when temperatures are extremely cold. Rock salt will be effective down to 15˚F. Calcium chloride will be effective down to 5˚F. There’s no product that will work below 5˚F unless you apply it very, very heavily.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Leaf Magazine is celebrating its first holiday season! 
Join them daily from Dec. 1st - Dec. 10th on Facebook where they will be giving away prizes.   
All you have to do to enter is share the daily giveaway post on your own Facebook wall.  It's easy. Do it everyday and you could win a gift for yourself or someone else.